Where to find me
Department of chemistry
Tajovského 40
97401 Slovensko
- Office: F212
- Phone: +421 48 446 7212
- Email: [email protected]
Professional characteristics
Educational Qualification:
- Specialization: Organic Chemistry.
- Ph D (eq, candidate of science): organic chemistry from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
- M. Sc.: First Class in Chemistry, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
- B. Sc.: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Languages Skils: Ukrainian (Native or bilingual proficiency), English (Professional proficiency), German (Full professional proficiency, C1 Goethe-Institute exam in the year 2011 (90,00/100, very good, Certificate number EFC1 037495, http://www.goethe.de/lrn/prj/pba/bes/gc1/enindex.htm), Russian (Native or bilingual proficiency), Polish (more or less), Slovak (B1 level).
- 2013: Visiting Research Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry University of Illinois at Chicago;
- 2015: Principal Investigator, Head of the Laboratory of Homogeneous Catalysis and Molecular Design at Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland;
2020: Visiting Professor at University of Salerno, Italy;
- 2020: Senior Researcher at University of Helsinki, Finland;
- 2020: Member of Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Finland; https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/viktor-iaroshenko
- 2021: UMB Docent (Associate Professor);
- 07.2022-09.2022: Visiting Faculty at Universität Osnabrück, Germany;
- 09.2022: KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweeden;
- 09.2022: Wallenberg Wood Science Center, Sweeden
- 02.2023-08.2023: Visiting Fellow at Ohio State University, USA, OH.
- 01.2024:
Scientific Interests:
- Heterocyclic chemistry, element-organic chemistry, fluorine chemistry, phosphorus chemistry, metal-organic chemistry;
- Molecular design, drug design, medicine chemistry, fluorine-containing bioactive molecules;
- Synthesis of pollyfloroalkylcontaining purines, and their isoster analogues;
- Domino reactions;
- Transition metal chemistry;
- Functionalization of C-H Bound;
- Design of fine-tunable phosphine ligands for homogenous and organo-catalysis;
- Photoredox catalysis, mechanochemistry, green chemistry, sustainability.
Professional Services:
Referee for the following journals:
J. Org. Chem., Org. Lett., Acc. Chem. Res., ACS Catalisys, Org. Process Res. Dev.,Org. Biomol. Chem., RCS Advances, Future Sci. OA., Adv. Synth. Catal., Catal. Sci. Technol., New J. Chem., Tetrahedron, Synthesis, Synlett, Current Organic Chemistry, act.
Winter Semester:
1. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 (4 credits);
Summer Semester:
1. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2 (4 credits);
Personal grants:
Since 2016 the actual grant-based budget is about 700 000 €.
09.2022: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Sweden) https://kaw.wallenberg.org/en .
07.2022-12.2025:Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja. "Perfluóralkylácia - stratégia diverzifikácie komplexných organických molekúl v neskorej fáze syntézy. Budget: ~220 000 €. Duration 42 months." Nr. APVV-21-0362. Role in the project – Principal Investigator, Project Manager. https://www.apvv.sk/
02.2017-02.2019: Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN-POLONEZ 2 Fellowship;Project title: “Design, bio and diversity-oriented synthesis of fused pyridin-4(1H)-ones, 4H-pyrane-4-ones and 4H-thiopyran-4-ones as potential preclinical drug-candidates”. This grant from National Science Centre (NSC) Poland in the frames of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 665778 (POLONEZ 2 grant, Nr. 2016/21/P/ST5/00630). Role in the project – Research Partner. The actual budget: 932 874 PLZ (~ 214 022 €). Obtained by Dr. Satenik Mkrtchyan member of “Homogeneous catalysis and molecular design” group at Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, PAS. https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/listy-rankingowe/2016-03-15/streszczenia/331575-en.pdf
08.2016-08.2019: Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN-SONATA 10; Project title in Polish: „Katalizowane metalami przejściowymi ukierunkowane reakcje aktywacji wiązania C-H nitro-podstawionych związków aromatycznych i olefin wraz z dalszą transformacją grupy nitrowej.” Budget: 698 800 PLN (~158 000 € ). Duration: 36 months. Nr. 2015/19/D/ST5/02774. Role in the project – Principal Investigator, Project Manager. https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/listy-rankingowe/2015-09-15/streszczenia/309499-pl.pdf
Publication Statistic 2007-2022:
The number of peer-reviewed publications: 104 (74 are Q1);
The number of first authorships: 38; The number of second authorships: 16;
The number of corresponding authorships: 75.
(More than 2000 total citations, h-index = 30).
Scopus: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=23012226400
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=IbJQXagAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Special Issues:
1. Molecules 2022 "Organofluorine Chemistry and Beyond" Guest editor.
2. Molecules 2023 "Modern Organophosphorus Chemistry" Main guest editor with Dr. Satenik Mkrtchyan as co-editor.
3. Molecules 2023 "Recent Research on Cross-Coupling Reactions" Main guest editor with Dr. Michał Jakubczyk and Dr. Satenik Mkrtchyan as co-editors.
- Edited by Viktor Iaroshenko “Organophosphorus Chemistry ” Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2019. ISBN 3527335722, 9783527335725.
- Book chapter by Viktor Iaroshenko and Satenik Mkrtchyan “Modern aspects of phosphorus heterocycles” at “Organophosphorus Chemistry” Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2019. ISBN 3527335722. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Organophosphorus+Chemistry%3A+From+Molecules+to+Applications-p-9783527335725
Very Recent Conferences:
- November 16-18, Basel, Switzerland, 2023EFMC-ISCB 2023, “EFMC International Symposium on Chemical Biology”. https://www.efmc-iscb.org/ Poster: Michał Jakubczyk, Satenik Mkrtchyan, Viktor Iaroshenko “MECHANOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF AROMATIC AMINES TO ARYL TRIFLUOROMETHYL ETHERS” Page 190. Abstract number 122.
- January 28 - February 1, 2024,4th Alpine Winter Conference on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry, St. Anton (Austria). https://www.alpinewinterconference.org/ Satenik Mkrtchyan, Vishal Purohit, Michał Jakubczyk, Jiří Zapletal, Barbora Benická, Viktor Iaroshenko.*“MECHANOCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF TRIFLUOROMETHYL ARYLS AND ARYL TRIFLUOROMETHYL ETHERS.”
- 19th-22nd February 2024 at The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok (THAILAND). Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC9). Oral presentation:Satenik Mkrtchyan, Vishal Purohit,Michał Jakubczyk, Jiří Zapletal,Jela Nociarová,BarboraBenická,Viktor O. Iaroshenko.*“Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Aryls and Aryl Trifluoromethyl Ethers via Co(II) and Ru(II) Catalysis” Invited speaker: https://www.accc9.org/content/speaker_session?sspkid=4 https://www.accc9.org/wcontent/content/program_full
- 11.03.2024-13.03.2024, Aachen (Germany), GDCh Chemie-Dozenttagung. – https://veranstaltungen.gdch.de/microsite/index.cfm?l=11551&sp_id=1 Oral presentation: Iaroshenko V. O. „Mechanochemical Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Aryls and Aryl Trifluoromethyl Ethers”
Very Recent Papers:
1. Visible-light-mediated arylation of ortho-hydroxyarylenaminones: Direct access to isoflavones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Viktor O. Iaroshenko*. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 2606-2609. (Open access).
This article is part of the themed collection: Most popular organic chemistry articles
Highlighted at Organic Chemistry Portal: https://www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit8/548.shtm
2. Photoredox functionalisation of 3-halogenchromones, 3-formylchromones and chromone-3-carboxilyc acids: Routes to 3-acylchromones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 11, 7152–7174.
1. Arylation of ortho-hydroxyarylenaminones by sulfonium salts and arenesulfonyl chlorides: An access to isoflavones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Viktor O. Iaroshenko* J. Org. Chem. 2021,86, 7, 4896–4916.
Highlighted at Organic Chemistry Portal: https://www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit7/863.shtm
2. Cu-catalyzed arylation of bromo-difluoro-acetamides by aryl boronic acids, aryl trialkoxysilanes and dimethyl-aryl-sulfonium salts: New entries to aromatic amides.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Michał Jakubczyk,Suneel Lanka, Michael Pittelkow, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* MPDI Molecules, 2021, 26,2957. (Open Access). https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/26/10/2957
Part of the Special Issue "Organofluorine Chemistry and Beyond" edited by Dr. Viktor Iaroshenko.
3. Practical mechanochemical transformation of CF3 group: Synthesis of amides and Schiff bases.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Michał Jakubczyk, Suneel Lanka, Muhammad Yar, Khurshid Ayub, Mohanad Shkoor, Michael Pittelkow, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2021, 21, 5448-5460. (Open access)
4. Mechanochemical synthesis of aromatic sulfonamides via three-component TM-catalyzed coupling of appropriate SO2-source, arylation agents and amines.
Satenik Mkrtchyan, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Chem. Commun. 2021, 57(84), 11029–11032.
1. Structure, optical and electro-physical properties of tetramerized anion-radical salt (N-Xy-Qn)(TCNQ)2.
Bolesław Barszcz, Tetiana N. Starodub, Adam Mizera, Roman Świetlik, Karol Rytel, Viktor O. Iaroshenko, Vladimir A. Starodub. Spectrochim. Acta A. 2022, 270, 120822.
2. Crystal Structure of Anion-Radical Salts of 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane with N-xylyl-pyridinium and N-xylyl-isoquinolinium Cations.
T. N. Starodub,* D. Fenske, O. Fuhr, V. O. Iaroshenko, D. Stepen’. Crystallography Reports 2022, 67, 356–363. DOI: 10.1134/S1063774522030191
3. Mechanochemical Ni-catalysed arylation of ortho-hydroxyarylenaminones: Synthesis of isoflavones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan, Michał Jakubczyk, Suneel Lanka, Muhammad Yar, Tariq Mahmood, Khurshid Ayub, Mika Sillanpää, Christine M. Thomas, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2022, b364, 3512–3535.
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adsc.202200645 (Open access).
Front Cover Picture: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adsc.202200956
4. Mechanochemical conversion of aromatic amines into aryl trifluoromethyl ethers.
Michał Jakubczyk, Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Suneel Lanka, Mohanad Shkoor, Simon Budzak, Miroslav Iliaš, Marek Skorsepa, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 23, 10438–10445.
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.2c02611 (Open Access). Among the "Most Read" articles of June 2022 – July 2022 (more then 15 K reads) in JACS.
Highlighted at Organic Chemistry Portal: https://www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit8/485.shtm
1. Nickel Catalyzed Mechanochemical Defluorinative Arylation of Trifluoroacetamides Enabled by Dysprosium(III) Oxide C-F bond activation: Facile entry to Aromatic Amides.
Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Mohanad Shkoor, Mandalaparthi Phanindrudu, Miroslav Medveď, Olena Sevastyanova, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 2, 863–870.
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.joc.2c02197 (Open access). Among the "Most Read" articles of Janury 2023 – Febraury 2023 (more then 2 K reads) in JOC
2. Metal-free Supramolecular Reduction of Nitro Compounds into the Cucurbit[7]uril Cavity: Testing the Enabling Technique in Aqueous Media.
Satenik Mkrtchyan, Vishal B. Purohit, Sehrish Sarfaraz, Khurshid Ayub, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 2023, 11, 23, 8406–8412. (Open access). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c00497
Among the "Most Read Articles" in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, June 2023- .
3. Introducing trifluoromethyl group as halide surrogates in mechanochemical realizations of Ni-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.
Satenik Mkrtchyan, Michał Jakubczyk, Šimon Budzák, Barbora Benická, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Asian J. Org. Chem. 2023, 12(6), e202300094. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajoc.202300094
4. Mechanochemical Defluorinative Cyanation of Trifluoromethylarenes.
Satenik Mkrtchyan, Mohanad Shkoor, Sehrish Sarfaraz, Khurshid Ayub, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 6549–6555. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2023/OB/D3OB00787A
5.Mechanochemical acylation of ortho-hydroxyarylenaminones by CF3-compounds: Synthesis of 3-acylchromones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Vishal B. Purohit, Jela Nociarova, Spartak Khutsishvili, Muhammad Yar, Tariq Mahmood, Khurshid Ayub, Simon Budzak, Marek Skoršepa, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2023, 2026-2035. (Open access). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/adsc.202300260
6. Nanocellulose as Convenient Reaction Media for Mechanochemical FeCl3 mediated Synthesis of 3-Acylchromones.
Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Vishal B. Purohit, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 38, 13877–13884. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c03467
1. Nanocelulose as a reaction media for FCl3 mediated reductive functionalization of nitro compounds.
Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Vishal B. Purohit, Jiří Zapletal, Oleksandr O. Shalimov, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2024, 12, 1, 1–9. (Open access).
2. One-step Ru-catalyzed conversion of phenolic OH groups to trifluoromethyl under mechanochemical conditions. Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Michał Jakubczyk, Sehrish Sarfaraz, Khurshid Ayub, Vishal B. Purohit, Oleksandr Shalimov, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2024, in press.
3. Mechanochemical Transformation of Aryltrimethylammonium Triflates, Aryldiazonium Tetrafluoroborates and Aryl Pinacolboranes to Aryl Trifluoromethyl Ethers. Satenik Mkrtchyan* Vishal B. Purohit, Jiří Zapletal, Oleksandr Shalimov, Jela Nociarová, Juraj Filo, Michael Garcia, Elena Kupcová, Barbora Benická, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2024, in press.
4. Mechanochemical Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Arenes: Nanocellulose-Supported Deaminative Trifluoromethylation of Aromatic Amines. Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Vishal B. Purohit, Oleksandr Shalimov, Jiří Zapletal, Sehrish Sarfaraz, Khurshid Ayub, Juraj Filo, Mika Sillanpää, Marek Skoršepa, Viktor O. Iaroshenko*. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2024, in press.
5. Mechanochemical Synthesis of Aromatic Ketones: Pyrylium Tetrafluoroborate Me-diated Deaminative Arylation of Amides. Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Oleksandr Shalimov, Michael G. Garcia, Jiří Zapletala, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Chem. Sci. 2024, in press.
6. Nanocellulose as Reaction Media for FeCl3-mediated Mechanochemical Deaminative Fluorination of (Hetero)aromatic Amines. Satenik Mkrtchyan,*Oleksandr Shalimov, Vishal B. Purohit,Jiří Zapletal, Vaibhav D. Prajapati, Ronak V. Prajapati, Dhanasekar Elumalai, Michael G. Garcia, Juraj Filo, Barbora Benicka, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2024, conditionally accepted.
8. TM-catalyzed activation of free phenols in a one-step Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling under mechanochemical conditions. Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Michał Jakubczyk, Sehrish Sarfaraz, Khurshid Ayub, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* Chem. Sci. 2024, in press.
9. Mechanochemically enabled, Pyrylium tetrafluoroborate Mediated Deaminative Arylation of Aromatic Amines, Synthesis of Biphenyls. Satenik Mkrtchyan*, Oleksandr Shalimov, Michael Garcia, Jiří Zapletal, Juraj Filo, Mohanad Shkoor, Elena Kupcová, Barbora Benická, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* 2024, conditionally accepted.
10. Dry Ice utilized Nickel-Catalyzed Mechanochemical Direct Carboxylation of Aryl Halides using nanocellulose as reaction media. Satenik Mkrtchyan,* Dhanasekar Elumalai, Vishal B. Purohit, Jiří Zapletal, Viktor O. Iaroshenko.* 2024, submitted.