Fakulta Prírodných vied UMB

Instructions for authors

Submiting of papers

Contributions must be submitted in electronic form in a corresponding spelling or stylistic adjustment in Slovak, Czech or English language, until 30 April and 30 September of the year. There is no fee for publishing.

Contributes according to the required template in MS WORD format send using this form.

Structure of the paper

The contribution includes a title in Slovak, a title in English, an abstract in English, keywords in English and the main text. The main text of the contribution is recommended to segment into: introduction, aim and methodology, main results divided into chapters, discussion, conclusion and literature. A reference to the project under which the contribution was created, is made at the end of the paper.


The scientific value of the contribution is assessed by a peer review, selected by the editorial board of the journal. The editorial board will select such reviewers who are experts in the subject of contribution. The editorial board will select such reviewers that are not in conflict of interest from the point of view of co-operation, competition or other relationship with the authors of the contribution. Reviewers are independent of the authors, they must be affiliated to different institution. Reviewer gives a recommendation to accept, reject or edit a contribution. The relevant reviewer form is located here.


Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.


In the contributions, the references used in the text are quoted using Harward style, i.e. the author-date-system. Quotations are quoted in brackets in the form (Author's surname, the year of publication of the cited document). If there is already the surname in the text, only year will be given in the brackets. If multiple documents have the same authors and year of publication, they are distinguished by lowercase letters per year inside brackets, e.g. (Kincel, 2000a). The same is done with a list of bibliographic links, KINCEĽ, J. 2000a.

Examples of citations in the text:

...Kaiser et. al (1971)...

...Koenigs (1974a, b)...

...výsledky potvrdil aj Mangos (1973), ktorý zistil....

The list of bibliographic references is arranged in alphabetical order by the author / title of the document, followed by the year of publication. The references consist of: Primary responsibility, Year of publication, Title, Issue, Marking of volumes of serial publications, Publication data, Scope. In the List of References, the authors are required to also indicate the DOI number to individual sources (if the source has DOI number).

How to cite more authors:

  • The names are in inverted form, the first name in the initials
  • Authors are separated by commas, the last author is separated by the letter "&" or "and"
  • it is recommended to indicate the names of all authors; in the case of four or more authors, only the first three can be mentioned and the others can be omited using the abbreviation et al.

Examples of references


Priezvisko, M. (Rok vydania). Názov monografie: podnázov. Vydanie. Miesto vydania: vydavateľ

Ivanička, K. (1983). Základy teórie a metodológie socioekonomickej geografie. Bratislava: SPN

Campell, A., Gillett, G. & Jones, G. (2005). Medical ethics. 4th edn. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press


Proceeding papers / chapter in book

Priezvisko, M. (Rok vydania). Názov príspevku. In M. Priezvisko (Ed.) Názov: podnázov. Vydanie. Miesto vydania: vydavateľ, rozsah

Kubalíková, L. & Kirchner, K. (2010). Možnosti hodnocení geomorfologických lokalit. In M. Fňukal, J. Frajer & J. Hercik (Eds.) 50 let geografie na Přírodovědecké fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci: sborník příspěvků z konference. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, pp. 117-125


Paper in journal

Priezvisko, M. (Rok vydania). Názov článku. Názov časopisu, ročník, číslo, rozsah

Bačík, M. (2016). Populácia Slovenska z pohľadu druhého demografického prechodu. Geografické informácie, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 10-23


Electronic (online) proceeding paper or book

Priezvisko, M. (Rok vydania). Názov príspevku. In M. Priezvisko, M. Priezvisko & M. Priezvisko (Eds.) Názov: podnázov. Vydanie. Miesto vydania: vydavateľ, rozsah. DOI alebo URL

Repík, O. (2016). K problematice vzdělávaní v cestovním ruchu v České republice. In V. Klímová & V. Žítek (eds.) XIX. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, pp. 1109-1118. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-8273-2016-143


Electronic (online) paper in journal

Priezvisko, M. (Rok vydania). Názov článku. Názov časopisu, ročník, číslo, rozsah strán. DOI alebo URL

Lacika, J. (2016). Vplyv abiotických prvkov krajiny na rozšírenie hradov na Slovensku. Geografické informácie, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 239-251. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17846/GI.2016.20.2.239-251

Michal, P. (2016). Depresie v krasovom území Drienockej vrchoviny ako polja. Geografická revue, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 13-19. Dostupné na: http://www.fpv.umb.sk/app/cmsFile.php?disposition=a&ID=19660


Fakulta prírodných vied, Univerzita Mateja Bela