Synergies and compromises of agroecosystem services potential
Jarmila Makovníková, Boris Pálka, Miloš Širáň
Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum/ Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a ochrany pôdy/Regionálne pracovisko Banská Bystrica, Mládežnícka 36, 974 04 Banská Bystrica, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Aims of this study is to assess the synergies and compromises of agroecosystem services. Ecosystem services linked to natural capital can be divided into three categories (provisioning, regulating and cultural). Traditionally, agroecosystems have been considered primarily as sources of provisioning services, but agroecosystems can provide a range of other regulating and cultural services to human communities. Ecosystem services are non-lineary linked and changes in one service can impact the other positive or negative. For the assessment of individual indicators of agro-ecosystem services, we utilized an expert scoring system. We evaluated ecosystem services on the basis of biophysical indicators that determine the corresponding soil functions and are part of the existing databases available in the Slovak Republic. The new methodological combination enabled us to provide unique mapping and assessment of agro-ecosystem services within Slovakia. High potential of provisioning service is linked to the high potential of regulation of water regime, pollutants filtration and soil erosion. The opposite trend has the potential provisioning services to potential of climate regulation and potential of natural conditions for recreation. The synergistic effect is between the provisioning agroecosystem service, regulation of water regime and soil pollutants filtration.
Keywords: potential of agrecosystem services, arable land, grassland, trade-offs