Fakulta Prírodných vied UMB




Sunday, 22.09.2019

16.00 – 22.00: Registration

18.00: Dinner


Monday, 23.09.2019

09.00–10.30: registration

11.00–11.30: otvorenie konferencie (opening ceremony), organizational matters

11.30–12.00: Jedlička L.: Half a century of dipterological meetings – looking back


12.0013.30: Lunch


Oral presentations: Phylogeny, evolution, taxonomy

13.3013.45: Krzemiński W., Krzemińska E., Skibińska K., Kopeć K. & Soszyńska-Maj A.: How the wing venation pattern has evolved in selected groups of Diptera? Fossils – key to Diptera phylogeny

13.4514.00: Starý M. & Tóthová A.: A new perspective on phylogeny of the subfamily Limnophilinae (Limoniidae: Diptera)

14.0014.15: Zatwarnicki T.: Phylogeny of the tribe Atissini (Diptera: Ephydridae)

14.1514.30: Ševčík J.: DNA barcoding of the Czech and Slovak gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): Beginning of a long journey

14.3014.45: Kúdelová T., Kúdela M., Bujačková B. & Adler P.H.: DNA barcoding as an identification tool for black flies

14.4515.00: Roháček J., Tóthová A. & Dušátková L.: How time flies with anthomyzid flies…


15.0015.30: Coffee break


Oral presentations: Miscellaneous

15.3015.45: Kubík Š: How can fruit flies also look (Diptera, Chloropidae)

15.4516.00: Goffová K., Bohuš M., Krčmárik S. & Kozánek M.: Diptera in Diet of the European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) in Southern Slovakia

16.00–16.15: Heřman P.: Diptera as non-target insects in light traps

16.1516.45: Jalili N.A. & Konderla B.: Occurrence of mosquitoes in the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, between 2017 – 2019 and measures to reduce their abundance


16.4517.15: Coffee break


Lecture before dinner

17.1517.45: Kubík Š: Insects, respectively flies as part of historical advertising (matchbox labels)


18.00: Dinner


Tuesday, 24.09.2019

Oral presentations: Biogeography, Diversity & Conservation Biology

09.0009.15: Barták M.: Efficient Diptera inventory in light of unprecedented biodiversity loss

09.1509.30: Lantsov V.: Data on crane flies (Diptera: Tipuloidea) of Dagestan (the North East of the Caucasus)

09.3009.45: Starý J. & Oboňa J: To the knowledge of biodiversity of selected fly families (Diptera) of Transcaucasia, with special emphasis on the families Limoniidae and Pediciidae

09.4510.00: Boardman P.: 46 years of the UK Cranefly Recording Scheme


10.0010.30: Coffee break


10.3010.45: Ševčík J.: Bibionomorpha of Taiwan: A mixture of tropical and montane elements

10.4511.00: Ziegler J. & Tóthová A.: An unexpected high diversity of the Old World rhinophorid genus Stevenia (Diptera, Rhinophoridae)

11.0011.15: Papp L. & Černý M.: Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary – a project successfully accomplished

11.1511.30: Tkoč M., Roháček J., Ševčík J. & Preisler J: Diptera diversity of Muránská planina and Cerová vrchovina (Slovakia): the current state of investigation and possibilities of cooperation


11.3012.00: Photo session


12.0013.30: Lunch


13.3013.45: Móra A., Gadawski P., Rewicz T., Calleja E. & Csabai Z.: Chironomidae (Diptera) of Malta: first records from the driest country of Europe

13.4514.00: Čerba D., Koh M., Brigić A., Gottstein S. & Mihaljević Z.: "Every bog’s a castle" - a summary of chironomid diversity in specific microhabitats of a Balkan peatland

14.0014.15: Kúdela M., Kúdelová T., Adler P.H. & Romero R.O.: Black fly fauna of Spain

14.1514.30: Boardman P.: Live at the fly Olympics

14.3014.45: Vlk R.: About a new tephritid fruit fly species (Diptera, Tephritidae) in the Czech Republic


14.4515.15: Coffee break


Oral presentations: Dead Diptera

15.1515.30: Baranov V. &. Haug J.T.: What flies larvae in the fossil records can do for dipterology

15.3015.45: Roháček J.: Another acalyptrate fly (Diptera) from the Eocene Baltic amber of unknown family affiliation?

15.4516.00: Skibińska K., Krzemiński W. & Kopeć K.: New Bruchomyiinae in Baltic amber

16.00–16.15: Kopeć K., Krzemiński W., Skibińska K. & Soszyńska-Maj A.: The diversity of the fossil genus Mesotipula in Asia

16.1516.30: Chamutiová T., HamerlíkL., PipíkR. & Bitušík P.: Subfossil chironomid assemblages in Batizovské pleso (the High Tatra Mts, Slovakia) as indicators of environmental changes during the early Holocene deglaciation

16.3016.45: Štillová V., Hamerlík L., Přidalová M., Chamutiová T., Čerba D. & Bitušík P.: Influence of fish introduction on subfossil Chironomidae in a mountain lake (Vyšné Račkovo pleso, Tatra Mts.)


17.30: Transfer to conference dinner in Ždiar village


Wednesday, 25.09.2019

Oral presentation: Ecology of Diptera

09.0009.15: Soszyńska-Maj A: Snow activity of flies in Central Europe – diversity, ecology and life strategies

09.1509.30: Ivković M.: A decade of aquatic Diptera emergence studies, with emphasis on the Empididae

09.3009.45: Dashinov D. & Kenderov L.: Species composition and distribution of the Chironomidae (Diptera) from the rivers and groundwater of Central Balkan National Park, Bulgaria

09.4510.00: Dorić V., Ivković M. & Mihaljević Z.: Littoral Chironomidae assemblages of Dinaric karstic lakes


10.0010.30: Coffee break


10.3010.45: Laug A., Turner F., Wang J., Engels S., Zhu L., Mäusbacher R. & Schwalb A.: 16 meter water depth: A chironomid distribution boundary independent of environmental conditions?

10.4511.00: Ergović V., Koh M. & Čerba D.: Longitudinal distribution and diversity of macrozoobenthos community in a Pannonian mountain stream network

11.0011.15: Koh M. & Čerba D.: Feeding habits of the predatory Monopelopia tenuicalcar (Kieffer, 1918) in an ephemeral epiphyton community

11.1511.30: Syrovátka V., Bojková J. & Horsák M.: Larvae of aquatic Diptera as predators and prey: some examples of predator-prey interactions


11.3012.00: Conference closing ceremony

12.00: Lunch



Tewlde R.T. & Gaponov S.P.: Flies (Diptera) in the nests of Common Magpie (Pica pica) in Voronezh-city

Kasičová Z., Komorová P., Dražovská M., Koleničová S. & Kočišová A.: How to choose correctly methods of identification of parasite pathogens in Culicoides?/ Ako správne vybrať metódy identifikácie parazitárnych patogénov v pakomárikoch?

Gorban I. & Podėnienė V.: Nematoceran (Diptera) biodiversity in dead wood in Būda Botanical-Zoological Reserve in Kaišiadorys (Lithuania)

Popović N., Čerba D., Raković M. Tomović J., Atanacković A., Marinković N., Ilić M., Andjus S., Đuknić J., Čanak Atlagić J., Smiljanić P. & Paunović M.: Non-biting midges (Chironomidae) from artificial water bodies in Belgrade sub-urban area

Đuknić J., Čanak Atlagić J., Andjus S., Paunović M., Živić I. & Popović N.: Phylogeny of Simulium reptans (Linnaeus, 1758) and Simulium reptantoides Carlsson, 1962 – insights from Balkan populations 

Oboňa J., Starý J., Ježek J., Dvořák L., Máca J., Negrobov O.P., van der Weele R., Manko P. & Svitok M.: The springs – little-known habitats of flies (Diptera) with high conservation value (poster)

Pannes A., Laug A., Turner F., Engels S., Wang J., Haberzettl T., Liping Z., Mäusbacher R. & Schwalb A.: Subdivision of the subfossil chironomid larvae Micropsectra radialis-type on the Tibetan-Plateau

Rettich F., Rudolf I., Betášová L., Šikutová S. & Imrichová K.: Surveillance of mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in South Bohemia (Czech Republic)




Prílohy ku stránke

Fakulta prírodných vied, Univerzita Mateja Bela