Where to find us
Tajovského 40
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Department profile
Department of Mathematics got the highest ranking A during the last evaluation of Slovak higher education institutions by the Accreditation Commission (http://www.akredkom.sk/zapis/444fo/priloha5.pdf, p. 40). Mathematics research at the department is done in various areas - dynamical systems, information-theoretic methods in mathematical statistics, combinatorics and graph theory, theory of fuzzy sets, algebra, theory of mathematical education, etc.
The department offers several accredited study programs. Two Bachelor programs - Mathematics, and Mathematics teacher education in combination with another subject; four Master programs - Mathematical statistics and financial mathematics, Mathematics for computer science, Mathematics teacher education, and Mathematics teacher education in combination with another subject; and three Doctoral programs - Mathematical analysis, Probability and mathematical statistics, and Theory of mathematical education.
Thanks to rich collaboration of the members of the department with mathematical and higher education institutions abroad, best students of master and doctoral programs have an opportunity to take part of the studies via program Erasmus at University of Murcia (Spain) or Charles Univesity in Prague (Czechia).
Since 1993, the department publishes a journal Acta Universitatis M. Belii, Series Mathematics indexed by Math. Reviews a Zentralblatt Math. The library of the department is well equipped and is being updated regularly.
The department has its own computer lab used for teaching as well as for individual work by students. Among programs installed at the computers are MAPLE, statistical system SPSS, programs R, Java, C, C++, typographical system TeX, etc. There is also a multimedia teaching room with the virtual conference technology EVO (Enabling Virtual Organizations).