The Book of Abstracts (only containing abstracts and extended abstracts and not peer-reviewed papers) will be available at the registration. In case of general interest there is a possibility to publish the presentations as original research papers or review papers as peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Abstracts and extended abstracts should be sent electronically (pictures in a separate file) to [email protected].
Deadline for abstract submission is August 16, 2019.
When preparing, please, follow the instructions below.
1) Language: Slovak, Czech, English
2) Format: doc, docx, rtf
3) Font: Times New Roman (font size12,line spacing 1)
4) Key words: Slovak/ Czech and English (for foreigners only English is required) (max. 5 – 6)
5) Extent: abstract – max.1500 characters including spaces; extended abstract – max. 4 pages;
paper size A4 with all page margins of 2.5 cm