Kde ma nájdete
Katedra matematiky
Tajovského 40
97411 Slovensko
- Miestnosť: 226A
- Telefón: +421 48 446 7135
- Email: [email protected]
Profesijná charakteristika
Osobná stránka: www.lukaslaffers.com
Kvalifikačný rast:
- Doc. - MUNI Brno, 2024
- PhD. - NHH Bergen, 2014
- Mgr. - FMFI UK Bratislava, 2009
Oblasti vedeckého záujmu:
- 62P20 Ekonometria
- 91BXX Matematická ekonómia
Vybrané vedecké publikácie:
- M. Bia, M. Huber, L. Lafférs: Double machine learning for sample selection models, 2024 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2024, 42, (3), 958-969, previous WP arXiv:2012.00745, presentation: UCL by MH, implemented in R - causalweight package or in Python in DoubleML by Michaela Kecskésová)
- M. Huber, L. Lafférs: Bounds on direct and indirect effects under treatment/mediator endogeneity and outcome attrition , Econometric Reviews, 2022, 41 (10), 1141—1163, previous WP arXiv:2002.05253, presentation: EEA 2020)
- H. Farbmacher, M. Huber, L. Lafférs, H. Langen and M. Spindler: Causal mediation analysis with double machine learning, 2022, Econometrics Journal, 25 (2), 277—300, May 2022 Editor’s choice article)
- H. Bodory, M. Huber, and L.Lafférs: Evaluating (weighted) dynamic treatment effects by double machine learning (2022, Econometrics Journal, 25 (3), 628—648)
- M. Huber and L. Lafférs" Bounds on direct and indirect effects under treatment/mediator endogeneity and outcome attrition (arXiv:2002.05253 forthcoming in Econometric Reviews)
- L. Lafférs, R. Nedela: Sensitivity of Bounds on ATEs under Survey Non-response, (forthcoming in Econometrics and Statistics)
- M. Kahanec, L. Lafférs and Bernhard Schmidpeter: The Impact of Repeated Mass Antigen Testing for COVID-19 on the Prevalence of the Disease, 2021, Journal of Population Economics, 34, 1105—1040
- L. Lafférs, Bernhard Schmidpeter: Early Child Development and Parents’ Labor Supply, 2021, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 36 (2), 190-208)
- L. Lafférs: Bounding Average Treatment Effects using Linear Programming, 2019, Empirical Economics, 57, (3), pp 727-767
- L. Lafférs: Identification in Models with Discrete Variables, 2019, Computational Economics, 53, (2), 657-698
- L. Lafférs, Roman Nedela Jr.: Sensitivity of the Bounds on the ATE in the Presence of Sample Selection, 2017, Economics Letters, 158, pp 84-87
- L. Lafférs, Giovanni Mellace: A Note on Testing Instrument Validity for the Identification of LATE, 2017, Empirical Economics, 53, (3), pp 1281–1286
- M.Huber, L. Lafférs, Giovanni Mellace: Sharp IV Bounds on Average Treatment Effects on the Treated and other Populations under Endogeneity and Noncompliance, 2017, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32, (1), pp 56-79
- L. Lafférs: A Note on Bounding Average Treatment Effects, 2013, Economics Letters, 120, pp 424- 428
Vyučované predmety:
- Teória Pravdepodobnosti 1
- Pravdepodobnosť a štatistika 1
- Pravdepodobnosť a štatistika 2
- Lineárna regresia 1
- Lineárna regresia 2
- Stochastické Procesy vo financiách a Poisťovníctve
- Výpočty a simulácie v jazyku R 3
- Ekonometria/Mikroekonomická teória