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Scope of the Journal

Journal Matej Bel Geographical Review is peer reviewed international, geographically focused journal published by the Department of Geography and Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia). The magazine has been published regularly since 2005 in an electronic version. It followed on the tradition of the previous peer-reviewed scientific journal called Geographical Studies, which the department was publishing since 1995. The aim of the journal is to provide original scientific studies in all partial geographical fields and other closely related scientific disciplines. It contributes to the development of modern geography as a scientific discipline not only in Slovakia and Central Europe, but also offers scientists the opportunity to publish the latest research outcomes from the European and global areas. Journal is freely available to all interested readers and there are no fees for publishing in the journal.

The journal accepts and publishes a wide range of original theoretical, empirical, analytical, synthetic and review-based original scientific works on various aspects of geographical sciences:

  • Physical geography (lithogeography, morphogeography, climageography, hydrogeography, pedogeography, biogeography, geoecology, geosystems, landscape protection, sustainability and other areas of geoscience),
  • Human geography (demogeography, urban and rural geography, geography of agriculture, geography of industry, economic geography, geography of services),
  • Cartography and GIS (theoretical and practical geography, geographic information sciences, remote sensing, geographic data processing),
  • Historical geography (history of geography, environmental history, landscape changes, history of tourism, historical demography),
  • Regional geography (macro-regions to local regions),
  • Geography of tourism (theory and methodology of tourism, modern forms of tourism, functions of tourism, use and application of IT in tourism, regional development in tourism, touristic regions),
  • Didactics of geography (didactics of geography, geographical education, IT technologies in the teaching process, WebGIS),
  • Theoretical geography (theoretical methodological analyses, metageography, philosophy of geography).

Matej Bel Geographical Review publishes issues with full open access, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately after publication. The Geographic Review is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which means that unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium is permitted, provided that the original work is correctly cited.

It is published regularly twice a year, on 30th June and 31st December. The length of the submitted manuscript should not exceed 10,000 words or 30 standard pages of text. Papers are reviewed in a double anonymous review procedure and the main text can be published in English, Slovak or Czech language.

For the review process the editorial board of the journal accepts only high-quality scientific manuscripts, which include a standard structure of the scientific study. The submitted contribution must have a clearly defined title and, in terms of form and content, elaborated theoretical and methodological background, set goals, clear methodology and well-presented empirical part. New results and conclusions of the research must be presented in the final scientific discussion. The theoretical and methodological basis of research and elaboration of the topic must be based on the latest scientific literature and use of the latest methodological procedures. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper must include an abstract, key words, acknowledgment and a summary. The details of the acceptance of papers by the editorial board for the review process are set out in detail in the author guidelines.

Communication with the editorial board of the journal is exclusively electronic via e-mail, including communication with authors and reviewers. Documents related to the journal and publishing processes are kept in the archive by the executive editor.

 © Journal Editorial board Geografická revue/Matej Bel Geographical Review 2021